Simplify Everything about Permit Mail

Let Pitney Bowes manage your permit funding - No last minute rushing to fund your mailing or keeping money “on-account” at the Post Office. Enjoy the convenience of being billed for permit postage usage. It's that easy!

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Overview How It Works Resources

The EasyPermitPostage® service enables you to get a bill for US Postal Service permit postage. You'll enjoy the convenience of instant access to postage for your permit mailings - without having to prepay or rush to cut checks to pay for postage. You can combine one or more permits and all of your mailings on one monthly invoice. And, you can choose to extend payment over time to better meet your business needs.

 Is this service for right for you?

  • Do you send mail without using stamps or running it through your meter for postage?
  • Do you use business reply mail?
  • Do you use a 3rd party vendor (printer, mail house or agency) for your first class or bulk mailings?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above EasyPermitPostage® is for you.

Call us today so you can take advantage of the many benefits provided by EasyPermitPostage®


  • Pay for permit postage the same way you pay for meter postage. - Mail Now, Pay Later.
  • Eliminate pre-payments, rushed checks, mail delays and the need to pay postage based on an estimate
  • Gain control over how much you pay each month. Choosing the full amount, the minimum or anything in between
  • Track every penny and every mailing with one account through Total Postage Management 24/

The EasyPermitPostage® service makes mailing as easy as 1-2-3.

1. Mail

Send your mail to your customers whether it’s bulk mailings, Express Mail, periodicals, or any other class of mail without prepaying for postage.

2. Receive

EasyPermitPostage® ensures your business reply mail is received without costly delays or prepayment of postage account.

3. Pay Later

You will receive a statement once a month. Your statement will itemize the dates the service was used, postage dollars, associated permit numbers, and fees. It's that easy!

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