Gain insight into spending behaviors.

Gain insight into the spending behaviors of the Canadian population. The Pitney Bowes Software Canadian Expenditures data provides dollar estimates of the amount of money spent annually, in aggregate, on detailed categories of consumer expenditures.

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The estimates are based on data developed by linking Statistics Canada’s Survey of Household Spending with the Pitney Bowes Software segmentation data product (PSYTE® HD). The Canadian Expenditures data covers the entire area of Canada’s 13 provinces and territories.

The Canadian Expenditures data equips you with the tools needed to better understand the expenditure behavior of the Canadian population.

Its superb features let you:

Combine consumer expenditure data for more accurate estimates

The Canadian Expenditure data combines Statistics Canada’s Survey of Household Spending (SHS) and the Pitney Bowes Software segmentation data product (PSYTE® HD).

The survey respondent's addresses are geocoded, and then all SHS data is tabulated and aggregated by cluster. An estimate of detailed consumer expenditures is generated, with particular attention paid to size, reliability and consistency.

Understand consumer expenditure habits and patterns

Respondents to Statistics Canada’s SHS questionnaire recall amounts spent on several hundred consumer goods and services during the previous calendar year. The Canadian Expenditure database analyzes this data to discern patterns and to estimate missing values.

Find out more about how our Canadian Expenditures data can help you understand the spending habits of your customers.

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