The Print Measurement Bureau provides a detailed look at consumer behavior data,

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The Pitney Bowes Software Print Measurement Bureau (PMB) PSYTE ® Linked Data provides sophisticated consumer behavior data. It lets you take an in-depth look at your customers to gain valuable insights into consumer preferences and consumption patterns.

Complete consumer analysis with Print Measurement Bureau. The PMB provides a detailed look at consumer behavior data, including a variety of media, product and service preferences through the PSYTE ® Canada Neighborhood Segmentation System.

The PMB PSYTE ® consumer behavior data includes more than 4000 product, lifestyle and behavior variables.

Understand your Canadian customers' preferences with consumer behavior data

PMB PSYTE ® Linked Data helps Canadian businesses understand consumer preferences in terms of consumption patterns by individual and household characteristics. The consumer behavior data can be accessed via Pitney Bowes Business Insight’s proprietary software products or market research services.

Please note that a membership to the PMB is required to access the data.

Contact us today for more information about how the Print Measurement Bureau's consumer behavior data can help your Canadian business

The Print Measurement Bureau offers several key features to help you better understand your consumer behavior data and gain superior insights into your consumers' preferences.

The PMB PSYTE® Linked Data provides you with:

Informative consumer behavior survey data

The consumer behavior data is obtained through an annual survey conducted by the PMB. Pitney Bowes Software links the survey respondent information to its segmentation data via proprietary processes, which enables the use of the obtained consumer behavior data nationwide.

Extensive consumer preference data

The PMB consumer preference data covers a variety of categories, from leisure activities to purchasing behaviors. Some of the topics include:
  • publication readership
  • radio listening
  • television viewing
  • product and service consumption patterns
  • personal and household characteristics, habits and preferences
Learn more about our consumer behavior data services

Data Sheets and Brochures

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